hà nội compilation - 35

Featuring debut film from a blur cinema

The childhood world has faded, why the longing look back.

Incomplete summation of the long days of a wobbly distant past.

The mixed voices clung to each other into a sticky mess of memories.

What am I looking for in that floating past, is there anything else there?

My childhood is gone, but I still look back, I am the one who is going to the dark and shapeless future, looking around for idyllic landmarks.

The cinema which had been moving around Hanoi is almost one year old. The cinema welcomes all types of films (selectively)

a blur cinema started from an annual blurry film watching activity on occasions of house moves since 2018 (we relocate once every year) without purposes (maybe the purpose was to get the chance to be playful film curators, or for the occasion to invite people over to watch the films we show, or just simply to watch film together?). With whatever purposes, this is a blur cinema and it is ok.

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